Early Literacy Implementation
(Iowa Code 27.68)
Who/Where: All K-3 students/districts throughout the state of Iowa
What: Early Literacy Implementation- ELI (Iowa Code 27.68)
- Requirements by August 2014 - Universal Screening in reading for grades K-3
- Benton Community, like many other districts, is using the FAST assessment tool
- Students must meet benchmarks for the different assessments included in FAST. Words correct per minute is the score we receive by giving the CBMr assessment. The CBMr is a general outcome measure.
- If students meet the benchmark for the testing period, they are proficient
- If students don’t meet the benchmark once, they are at risk of having a substantial deficiency in reading
- If students don’t meet the benchmark twice in a row, they will be identified as having a substantial deficiency in reading.
- All students will receive 90 minutes of research-based reading instruction. Benton Community uses the Benchmark Literacy curriculum resource.
- Check out this link for more detailed information. https://www.educateiowa.gov/early-literacy-implementation
How Often:
Proficient - FAST assessment must be given 3 times/year
At-Risk - Weekly progress monitoring with the FAST assessment
Substantially Deficient - Weekly progress monitoring with the FAST assessment
What If My Child Is… (as of May 1, 2017)
* Proficient - Then, your child will continue to be assessed 3 times/year and receive 90 minutes of core literacy instruction daily.
* At Risk - Then, your child will continue to be progress monitored weekly and has the possibility of being offered literacy support throughout the summer. Your child will also be in an intensive intervention where he or she will work on skills that have cause them to be identified at-risk of having a substantial deficiency in reading. (Current requirement)
* Substantially Deficient - Then, there will be in an intensive intervention (in addition to the 90 minutes of core literacy instruction) where he or she will work on skills that have caused them to be identified as having a substantial deficiency in reading. (Current requirement) Also, your child MUST participate in the intensive summer reading program offered by Benton Community if they are a third grader who is identified as having a substantial deficiency in the area of reading. You, as a parent, will be notified regarding your child’s reading deficiencies. If your child is not proficient by the end of 3rd grade, your child will be retained unless one of the following takes place:
- Enrolls in and attends an intensive summer reading program (90% attendance is required)
- Qualifies for a good cause exemption
- ELL with less than 2 years instruction in an ESL program
- Student has IEP that indicates that participation in the required assessments are not appropriate (less than 1% of students)
- Student demonstrates mastery through a portfolio review that meets Department of Education required criteria
- Student was previously retained and has received intensive remediation for at least 2 years
Why: All students need to be able to read at high levels. This is a statewide initiative to ensure that Iowa students are proficient readers.
Now What...
- Reading with your child at home has become more important than ever! A minimum of 20 minutes/night is recommended.
- Ask your child’s teacher about his or her progress.
- Follow up with your child’s teacher with any questions you have regarding this law and how it could affect your family.
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