Monday, November 23, 2015

Tuesday 11.23 Potential Dismissal adjustment if a fog delay tomorrow.

Parents, Please call the Benton Voice Link @ 830-2164 or 515-830-2164 if you don't get the alerts on your phone.  There is a chance of heavy fog in the morning.

Benton Parents and Students, This is a reminder that school is scheduled to be dismissed at 1:00 for the Thanksgiving break. In the event school needs to be delayed tomorrow morning due to fog the school dismissal time would be adjusted from 1:00 as scheduled to 2:15.  Parent/Teacher Conferences would continue from 3:00 to 7:30.  School will not be in session on Wednesday Nov. 25th - Sunday Nov. 29th for Thanksgiving Break. Classes will resume on Monday, November 30th. Thank you.

Upcoming Dates and Info.

Keystone Friday Notes -11/20/15

Tuesday, November 24th- 1:00 PM Dismiss
Wednesday, November 25th thru Friday, November 27th- NO SCHOOL

Next Week Special Schedule
Monday 11/23: Day 3- Music/PE
Tuesday 11/24:   Day 4- Art/Guidance

Tuesday, November 24th- Cook’s Choice-
Fish & Cheese/Bun
Sweet Potato Fries
Steamed Broccoli
Mandarin Oranges
Chocolate Chip Cookie

The next time to meet is December 5th.

The Scholastic Book Fair will be at Keystone Elementary beginning Friday, November 20th through Tuesday, November 24th.  Students will the opportunity to view and make purchases at select times throughout the school day.  The Book Fair opened online on November 15th and will be open during conferences. To view the book fair online use the following link:

Parent/Teacher conferences are from 3:30-7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 23rd and from 3-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24th. NOTE-These times have been changed from what was previously written in the district calendar. Parents, please call Candi in the office to schedule your conference time. 319-442-3221

Thank you to all for sending in Box Tops!! We are excited to announce that Keystone Elementary collected over 8000 Box Tops in less than 2 weeks, earning a movie and popcorn! Congratulations!

With winter weather approaching, late starts and early dismissals are inevitable.  A notice went home last week asking parents to provide instructions for their child in the case of weather related early dismissal. Please make sure to return those instructions to the school, otherwise we will assume your child will follow his/her normal routine.  Also, students should be dressing in winter apparel appropriate for outside recess from now on.  Keystone students will be going outside for recess during the day as long as the “feels like” temperature is 10 degrees or above.  

The Keystone Elementary Holiday Program will be held Friday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. in the Keystone gym.  This year’s program is titled “Christmas on Candy Cane Lane.”  A note was sent home with appropriate dress instructions for each grade.  If you have any questions please call the office.

Friday, November 6, 2015

P-T Conferences, 3rd grade Iowa Assessments,

Parent/Teacher conferences are from 3:30-7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 23rd and from 3-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 24th. NOTE-These times have been changed from what was previously written in the district calendar. Parents, please call Candi in the office to schedule your conference time. 319-442-3221

Third grade students at Keystone Elementary will begin Iowa Assessment testing the week of November 9th. Students will test during scheduled periods throughout each day that week. If possible, please try to have your student in attendance all day, every day to avoid having to reschedule testing time for students who are absent. Thank you.

Upcoming Dates / Info

Hot Shot boys basketball (grades 3/4) starts at noon on Saturday and runs until 1:15 pm.

Beginners : PreK-2nd practices 6-7 p.m. on Monday nights starting Nov. 9th - Dec. 21st
Advanced: 3-6th grade practices 6-7:30 p.m.Tuesdays/Thursdays starting Nov. 5th -Jan. 28th. All practices are held in the High School Wrestling Room. For more information/questions contact: Coach T.J. Murphy-​

All Keystone Elementary students will be participating in the annual Veterans Day program on Wednesday, November 11th at 9:30 a.m. at the BC MS/HS. The public is invited to attend. Keystone students should wear BLUE for the program.

Next Week Special Schedule
Monday 11/9:           Day 5- Music/Guidance
Tuesday 11/10:        Day 6- Technology
Wednesday 11/11:  Day 1- PE/Guidance
Thursday 11/12:      Day 2- Art/Guidance
Friday 11/13:           Day 3- PE/Music

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Benton FFA Veteran's Breakfast

The Benton Community FFA Chapter will be hosting a Veterans Benefit Breakfast on Sunday, November 8th at the Van Horne Community Center from 7 AM to Noon.  The breakfast will consist of pancakes, eggs, sausage, milk, juice, and coffee.  The cost of this breakfast is a free will donation.  All proceeds will go to the Benton County Veterans Assistance Program.  The Benton County Assistance Program provides assistance to veterans and their families in filing applications for service, connected disability, compensation, non service connected pension, claims for aid and attendance/household status, serving spouse pension and other federal and state benefits. They also provide short term assistance to veterans and dependents who need help with rent and utility payments, food and provisions, prescription medications, and transportation assistance.  Please come join the Benton Community FFA and enjoy a great breakfast while raising money for the men and women who have fought for our freedom!